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Impact Evaluation Consultant - Benin

Nassibou is an applied statistician with a focus on economic and social sciences. His area of expertise includes quantitative impact evaluation, ex-ante impact evaluation using microsimulation modelling, econometric modelling, spatial econometrics, sampling and design & digitalisation of surveys. He brings work experience in the academic area (University of Abomey-Calavi & CESAG) and with international organisations (World Bank Independent Evaluation Group) in the design and implementation of empirical field and desk research on development issues (health, women empowerment, immigration, environment, poverty, inequality, climate change, agriculture, food security). Nassibou conducted research projects commissioned by international organisations such as USAID, African Economic Research Consortium, UNDP, Commission of WAEMU, AFLATOUN) and government organisations (Ministry of Development, Planning, and Evaluation, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Benin). He is a PhD student at University of Abomey-Calavi and holds a Master’s degree in Project Management from the Université Senghor d’Alexandrie (Egypt) and a Master’s degree in statistics from the National School of Statistics, Planning, and Demography, Benin.

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