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Impact Analysis of small-scale development projects led by Diaspora-Organisations


Programme Migration and Diaspora (GIZ)


January - June, 2023

The diaspora can play a vital role in supporting development projects in their countries of origin. Beyond their well-known role in sending remittances, they can also support the transfer of knowledge and skills. 

The Global Programme "Migration and Diaspora" (PMD) is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). PMD supports diaspora organisations to carry out small-scale development projects in up to 22 countries around the globe.  To learn more about Diaspora Organisation projects see here.  ImpactLoop carryied out a desk-based mixed-method impact analysis of diaspora-organisation projects to better understand their impact and lesson-learned.

Impactloop team members involved are Anja Grob and Manuela K. Günther.

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